Tuesday 28 August 2007


Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul was sworn in as Turkey's new president on Tuesday.
Gul, who enjoys popular support, is the first politician with a background in political Islam to win the symbolically important post in Turkey's modern history.

In contrast to past inaugurations, the army top brass, some of the secular elite and the main opposition Republican People's Party stayed away from Gul's swearing-in ceremony.

In Turkey, the government holds most power but the president can veto laws and official appointments and name judges.

1 comment:

Peregrine said...

Walking through Istanbul with my Turkish friend last year, a secular woman, I watched as she was shunned by women with scarves who turned their backs on her.
The rise of the AK party is giving the more religious Turks the support and impetus to force the country into an Islamist state.
The election of Gul will only split the country further. He may be a moderate but he encourages and emboldens the more fundamental elements.
It could have the effect that the military will feel the need to step in again to change the government. Look at the harsh language in the warning the military issued just yesterday. That would be a disaster to their EU hopes and for the economy.
Brooklyn, USA